Welcome to the Bibliography on the Economics of NetworksLast Updated: 4/10/2007
. Copyright ©
1995-2007, N. Economides.
This is an interactive bibliography on the
economics of networks and related subjects. Whenever available, I have
included a clickable link to the electronic version of the listed
manuscript so that it can be retrieved interactively. I encourage
authors to deposit their papers in electronic form at a WWW, or FTP
site, so that they are publicly available. A public depository exists
at the RePEc
Archive and at SSRN. |
To read any paper, simply click on its title below. Unfortunately, due to legal reasons, for some papers only abstracts, or no online versions at all are available. These papers are marked as such in the bibliography below. Most papers are available in .pdf format. This format is readable and printable on any machine using Adobe Acrobat reader. The Acrobat reader is available free of charge on Adobe's site here. |
This bibliography of network economics and related issues is by no means complete. I will appreciate additions, corrections, and changes (for example when a working paper is published) sent to economides@stern.nyu.edu in the same format as the one used below. |
Author(s) |
Title |
Publication |
Aalbers, Rick, Wilfred Dolfsma Otto Koppius (2004) | "On and Off the Beaten Path: How Individuals Broker Knowledge through Formal and Informal Networks," | Working Paper Erasmus University Rotterdam | |
Abid, Fathi and Anis Zouari (2003) | "Financial Distress Prediction Using Neural Networks," | Working Paper, University of Sfax, Tunisia | |
Adams, Michael, (1996) | "Norms, Standards, Rights" | European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 12, pp. 363-375. | |
Ahdieh, Robert B., (2004), | "Making Markets: Network Effects and the Role of Law in the Creation of Strong Securities Markets" | Southern California Law Review, Vol. 76, p. 277, 2003 | |
Ahrend, Rudiger and William Tompson (2004) | "Russia's Gas Sector: The Endless Wait for Reform?" | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) | |
Aiginger, Karl, and Michael Pfaffermayr | "Market structure, innovation and the persistence of cost differences" | Paper presented at the EARIE Conference 1998 Copenhagen | |
Aiginger, Karl, | "The use of game theoretical models for empirical industrial organization" | Mueller, D.C., Haid, A., Weigand, J. (eds.), Competition, Efficiency, and Welfare - Publication in Honour of Manfred Neumann, Kluwer, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 1999, pp.253-277. | |
Aizer, Anna and Janet Currie (2002) | "Networks or Neighborhoods? Correlations in the Use of Publicly-Funded Maternity Care in California" | Working Paper, Brown University - Department of Economics | |
Aken, Joan E. van and Mathieu P. Weggeman (2001) | "Managing Learning in Informal Innovation Networks: Overcoming the Daphne-Dilemma" | R&D Management, Vol. 30, No. 2, April 2000, | |
Akdogu, Evrim (2003) | "Gaining a Competitive Edge Through Acquisitions: Evidence from the Telecom Industry," | Working Paper, Southern Methodist University - Edwin L. Cox School of Business | |
Akorli, Felix K. | "Telecommunications in Ghana" | ||
Alleman, James, , and Richard Emmerson, eds., (1989) | Perspectives on the Telephone Industry: The Challenge for the Future | (New York: Harper & Row) | |
Alleman J., Madden, G, and Savage, S (2000) | "Trade imbalance in international message telephone services". | Applied Economics 32(10): 1311-22 | |
Alleman, J, Madden, G, and Savage, S (2003) | "Dominant carrier market power in United States international telephone markets" | Applied Economics 35(6): 665-73 | |
Allen, Beth (1982b) | "A Stochastic Interactive Model for the Diffusion of Information," | Journal of Mathematical Sociology, vol. 8, pp. 265-281. | |
Alstyne, Marshall van (1996) | "The State of Network Organization: A Survey in Three Frameworks," | Journal of Organizational Computing | |
Ambrus, Attila and Rosa Argenziano, (2004) | "Network Markets and Consumers Coordination" | Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1481 | |
Anania, L. and R. J. Solomon | Flat--the minimalist price | pp.91-118 in Internet Economics, L. W. McKnight and J. P. Bailey, eds., MIT Press, 1997. | |
Andieh, Robert B. (2002) | " Making Markets: Network Effects and the Role of Law in the Creation and Restructuring of Securities Markets" | Southern California Law Review, Vol. 76 | |
Ando, Mitsuyo and Fukunari Kimura (2003) | "The Formation of International Production and Distribution Networks in East Asia" | Working Paper | |
Anton, James J. and Dennis A. Yao, (1995) | "Standard-Setting Consortia, Antitrust, and High-Technology Industries," | Antitrust Law Journal, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 247-265 | |
Antonelli, Christiano (1992) | "The Economic Theory of Information Networks" | The Economics of Information Networks, Cristiano Antonelli (ed.), north Holland: Amsterdam. | |
Antonelli, Christiano (1993) | "Externalities and Complementarities in Telecommunications Dynamics" | International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 299-450. | |
Antonelli, Christiano | "Localized Technological Change and the Evolution of Standards as Economic Institutions" | Information Economics and Policy vol. 6, pp. 195-216. | |
Arminger, Gerhard, Daniel Enache and Thorsten Bonne (1997) | "Analyzing Credit Risk Data: A Comparison of Logistic Discrimination, Classification Tree Analysis, and Feedforward Networks" | COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS, Vol 12 No. 2, March 26, 1997 | |
Armstrong, Mark (2002) | "Local Competition in UK Telcommmunications" | Regulation Initiative Working Paper No.16 | |
Armstrong, Mark, S. Cowan, and John Vickers(1994) | Regulatory Reform -- Economic Analysis and British Experience. | Cambridge: MIT Press. | |
Armstrong, Mark and Chris Doyle (1994) | "Interconnection and the Effects of Entry" | mimeo | |
Armstrong, Mark, and Chris Doyle,(1993) | "Network Access Pricing" | mimeo. | |
Armstrong, Mark, and Chris Doyle, (1994) | "Access Pricing in a Regulated Industry" | mimeo. | |
Armstrong, Mark, and Chris Doyle, (1995) | "The Economics of Access Pricing" | mimeo | |
Armstrong, Mark, Chris Doyle, and John Vickers, (1995) | "The Access Pricing Problem" | Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. XLIV, no. 2, pp. 132-150. | |
Working Paper, California Institute of Technology | |||
McAndrews, James J., (1995) | "Commentary on 'Antitrust Economics of Credit Card Networks" | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, November-December 1995, pp. 55-59 | |
McAndrews, James J., and Rafael Rob, (1996) | "Shared Ownership and Pricing in
a Network Switch" |
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 14, no. 2 | |
McCabe, Kevin, Stephen Rassenti, and Vernon Smith, (1995) | "Institutional Design for Electronic Trading" | in Global Equity Markets: Technological, Competitive and Regulatory Challenges , R.A. Schwartz (ed.), Irwin Professional | |
McCabe, Mark and Christopher Snyder | "The Economics of
Open-Access Journals" |
Georgia Institute of Technology and George Washington University, NET Institute Working Paper #04-18 | |
McGrath, Cathleen, Charles M. Vance and Edmund R. Gray (2003) | "With a Little Help from Their
Friends: Exploring the Advice Networks of Software Entrepreneurs" |
Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 12, pp. 2-10, March 2003 | |
McKenzie, Richard and William Shughart II | "Is Microsoft a Monopolist?" | The Independent Review, vol. III, n.2, Fall 1998, ISSN 1086-1653, pp. 165-197 | |
McMillan, John and Christopher M. Woodruff (1998) | "Networks, Trust and Search in Vietnam's Emerging Private Sector" | Working Paper, Stanford University - Graduate School of Business | |
McNelis, Paul D. and Peter McAdam (2004) | "Forecasting Inflation with Thick Models and Neural Networks" | Working Paper, Georgetown University - Department of Economics and European Central Bank | |
McWha, Vhari and Julian Wright (1997) | "Interconnection in the Electricity Sector" | mimeo, University of Canterbury | |
Meisel, John B., (1992) | "ONA, Unbundling and Competition in Interstate Access Markets" | Telecommunications Policy , (April 1992), pp. 194-209 | |
Mello, Antonio S. and Michael W. Rawson (2003) | "Winstar Communications, Inc.: Financial Restructuring in the Telecommunications Industry" | Working Paper, University of Wisconsin - Madison - School of Business and University of Wisconsin - Madison - School of Business | |
Melmed, Arthur and Francis Dummer Fisher, (1991) | "Towards a National Information Infrastructure: Implications for Selected Social Sectors and Education" | mimeo. | |
Melnitsky, Benjamin, (1953) | Profiting from Industrial Standardization | CoNover-Mast Publications, New York, 1953 | |
Merges, Robert P. (2000) | "Who Owns the Charles River
Bridge? Intellectual Property and Competition in the Software Industry" |
UC Berkeley Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper No. 15 | |
Messer, Heidi | "Copyright and Censorship in Cyberspace" | ||
Mesquita, Ethan Bueno de and Matthew Stephenson (2003) | "Legal Institutions and the
Structure of Informal Networks" |
Working Paper, Harvard University - Department of Government and Harvard University - Department of Government | |
Metcalfe, B. | Netnow's statistics trigger
defensive responses from some corners of the 'net |
InfoWorld, Feb. 3, 1997 | |
Meyer, Klaus E. (1998) | "Multinational Enterprises and
Emergence of Markets and Networks in Transition Economies" |
Working Paper, Copenhagen Business School - Center for East European Studies (CEES) | |
Meyers, Robert (ed.), (1989) | Encyclopedia of Telecommunications | San Diego, CA: Academy Press | |
Miller, Michael, J., (1976) | "The Cost Effectiveness of Medical Device Standards" | Food, Drug, Cosmetic Law Journal, vol. 31, no. 2, February, pp. 81-85. | |
Michaels, Robert J.,(2004) | "Vertical Integration
and the Restructuring of the U.S. Electricity Industry" |
California State University, Fullerton - Department of Economics | |
Mills,Gordon (1995) | "Wefare and Profit divergence for a tolled link in a road network" | Journal of Transport Economics and Policy,29 pp.137-146 | |
Miozzo, Marcela and Matias Ramirez (2004) | "Services Innovation and the Transformation of Work: The Case of UK Telecommunications" | New Technology, Work and Employment, Vol. 18, pp. 62-79, March 2003, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) and Brunel University | |
Miravete, Eugenio J. | "The Doubtful Profitability of Foggy Pricing" | NET Institute Working Paper #04-07 | |
Mitchell, Bridger et al., (1995) | "The Regulation of Pricing of Interconnection Services" | in Gerard Brock (ed.), Toward a Competitive Telecommunication Industry, Selected Papers from the 1994 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference Lawrence Erlbaum 1995 | |
Mitchell, Bridger M., Werner Neu, Karl-Heinz Neumann, and Ingo Vogelsang, (1994) | "The Regulation of Pricing of Interconnection Services" | mimeo. | |
Mitchell, Bridger M. and Ingo Vogelsang, (1991) | Telecommunications Pricing: Theory and Practice | Cambridge University Press | |
Mohanram, Partha and Ashish Nanda | "Do RBOC Coalitions Diminish Competition in Long Distance?" | December 1997 | |
Mohapatra, Pratap K.J. and Barun K. Saha, (1993) | "Policy Analysis for Growth of a New Technology Product" | Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 43, pp. 19-45 | |
Molano, Walter Thomas (2000) | "The Past, Present and Future of the Telecommunications Industry in the Southern Cone of Latin America: An Application Of Schumpeter's Theory Of 'Creative Destruction'" | BCP Securities, LLC - General | |
Monk T. and K. C. Claffy | A Survey of Internet Statistics / Metrics Activities | mimeo. | |
Monroe, Hunter, (1987) | "The Economics of Compatibility Standards" | mimeo. | |
Monroe, Hunter, (1993) | "Mix and Match Compatibility and Asymmetric Costs" | mimeo. | |
Morgan, Stanley (1994) | Global Telecommunications Quarterly: Brave New Wireless World | New York, March | |
Morris, Roy L | "A Proposal to Promote Local
Competition: The LoopCo Plan" |
CCH Power and Telecom Law, January/February 1998 at 35 | |
Morris, Roy L. | "Voice Over IP Telephony: Sizzle or Steak? A Plain English White Paper on the Pros and Cons of Voice of IP" | July 1998 | |
Mortensen, Allan and David Lando (2004) | "On the Pricing of Step-Up Bonds in the European Telecom Sector" | Working Paper, Copenhagen Business School and Copenhagen Business School | |
Moshiri, Saeed, Norman Edward Cameron and David Scuse (1998) | "Static, Dynamic, and Hybrid
Neural Networks in Forecasting Inflation" |
Working Paper, Allameh Tabatabie University - Economics | |
Muelhause, Carl O., (1978) | "A Cost/Benefit Framework for Consumer Product Safety Standards" | Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards,vol. 83, no. 5, September-October, pp. 459-483 | |
Mueller, Milton, (1989) | "Interconnection Policy and Network Economics" | mimeo | |
Mueller, Milton L., (1993) | "Universal Service in Telephone History: A Reconstruction" | Telecommunications Policy, vol. 17, no. 5 | |
Mueller, Milton, (1994) | mimeo. | ||
Mueller, Milton, (1995) | "Universal Service as an Appropriability Problem: A New Framework for Analysis" | in Gerard Brock (ed.), Toward a Competitive Telecommunication Industry, Selected Papers from the 1994 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference Lawrence Erlbaum 1995 | |
Mueller, Milton and J. R. Schement, (1996) | "Universal service from the bottom up: A study of telephone penetration in Camden" | New Jersey, The Information Society 12, no. 3 (1996), 273-292 | |
Mueller, Milton | "Universal service and the new Telecommunications Act: Mythology Made Law" | Communications of the ACM | |
Mueller, Milton | "The User-Driven Network: The Present Extent of Private Networking in the United States" | Communications of the ACM | |
Mullainathan, Sendhil , Marianne Bertrand and Erzo F.P.Luttmer (1999) | "Network Effects and Welfare Cultures" | MIT Department of Economics Working Paper No. 98-21 | |
Mutuswami, Suresh and Winter, Eyal (2002) | "Efficient Mechanisms for Network Formation" | Journal of Economic Theory |
Author(s) |
Title |
Publication |
Nadiri, M. Ishaq and Banani Nandi (1998) | "The Changing Structure of Cost and Demand for the U.S. Telecommunications Industry" | New York University - Department of Economics |
Nagurney, Anna and José M. Cruz (2003) | "Dynamics of International Financial Networks with Risk Management" | Working Paper |
Nagurney, Anna, José M. Cruz and June Dong (2003) | "Global Supply Chain Networks and Risk Management" | Working Paper |
Nagurney, Anna, and Li Zhao, Tina Wakolbinger, (2004) | "The Evolution and Emergence of Integrated Social and Financial Networks with Electronic Transactions: A Dynamic Supernetwork Theory for the Modeling, Analysis, and Computation of Financial Flows and Relationship Levels" | Working Paper |
Nair, Harikesh, Pradeep K. Chintagunta, and Jean-Pierre H. Dube | "Empirical Analysis of Indirect Newtwork Effects in the Market for Personal Digital Assistants" | Quantitavtive Marketing and Economics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 23-58, 2004 |
Nalebuff, Barry J. (1999) | "Bundling" | Working Paper, Yale School of Management |
Nalebuff, Barry J. (2000) | "Competing Against Bundles" | Working Paper, Yale School of Management |
Nalebuff, Barry J. (2002) | "Bundling and the GE-Honeywell Merger" | Working Paper, Yale School of Management |
National Laboratory for Applied Network Research | National Laboratory for Applied Network Research Website | n/a |
Nauriyal, Bharat and Ahmed Galal (2004) | "Regulating Telecommunications in Developing Countries: Outcomes, Incentives, and Commitment" | Working Paper, Nationwide Insurance and World Bank |
Nelson, Annette, James E. Prieger and Terri A. Sexton (2003) | "The Taxation of Telecommunications in California in the Information Age" | State Tax Notes, Vol. 29, No. 11, September 15, 2003, San Jose State University - College of Business , University of California, Davis - Department of Economics and California State University, Sacramento - Department of Economics |
Nelson, Bruce and Dee Tagliavia (2000) | "Convergence and Bundling: The Impact on State and Local Telecommunications Taxes" | State and Local Tax Lawyer, Vol. 5, 2000, Ernst & Young, LLP and EchoStar Communications Corporation - General |
Nero, G. (1996) | "A Structural Model of intra European Union Duopoly Airline Competition" | Journal of Transport Economics and Policy,30 pp.137-155 |
Nesvold, H. Peter | "Communication Breakdown: Developing an Antitrust Model for Multimedia Mergers and Acquisitions" | |
Neu, Werner, (1994) | "Study on Network Interconnection in the Domain of ONP" | mimeo. |
Neu, Werner, (1995) | "A Case Against Access Charges" | mimeo. |
Neu, Werner, and Karl-Heinz Neumann (1993) | "Interconnection Agreements in Telecommunications" | mimeo. |
Neumann, Karl-Heinz, (1994) | "European Policy in Mobile Communications" | mimeo. |
Neves, Marcos Fava (2003) | "A Framework to Build or Review Marketing and Networks Contracts" | Working Paper |
Newbery, D.M. (1993) | "The Impact of EC Environmental Policy on British Coal" | Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 9 no. 4, pp. 66-95 |
Newbery, D.M. (1994) | "The Impact of Sulfur Limits on Fuel Demand and Electricity Prices in Britain" | Energy Journal, vol. 15 no. 3, pp.19-41 |
Newbery, D.M. (1994) | "Restructuring and Privatising Electric Utilities in Eastern Europe" | The Economics of Transition, vol. 2 no. 3, pp. 291-316 |
Newbery, D.M. (1995) | "Liberalization and Regulation of Network Utilities" | in The Enterprise and its Environment, ed. M. Sertel, vol. 4 of Contemporary Economic Development Reviewed, ed. M Bruno |
Newbery, David M., (1995) | "Power Markets and Market Power" | The Energy Journal, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 39-68 |
Newbery, D.M. (1995) | "Removing coal subsidies: Implications for European electricity markets" | Energy Policy, vol. 23 no. 6, pp. 523-33 |
Newbery, D.M. (1995) | "Power Markets and Market Power" | Energy Journal vol. 16 no. 3, pp. 41-66 |
Newbery, D.M. (1995) | "Regulatory Policies and Reform in the Electricity Supply Industry" | Chapter 14, pp. 279-306 in Regulatory Policies and Reform: A Comparative Perspective, ed. by Claudio Frischtak, Washington DC: World Bank |
Newbery, D.M., (1997) | "Pool Reform and Competition in Electricity" | DAE Working Paper 9734, Cambridge, forthcoming in M. Beesley (ed.) Lectures on Regulation Series VII, London: Institute of Economic Affairs |
Newbery, D.M. (1997) | "Determining the Regulatory Asset Base for Utility Price Regulation" | Utilities Policy, vol. 6 no. 1, pp. 1-8 |
Newbery, D.M. (1997) | "Privatisation and Liberalisation of Network Utilities" | European Economic Review, vol. 41 no. 3-5 pp. 357-84 |
Newbery, D.M. (1997) | "Competition, Contracts and Entry in the Electricity Spot Market" | RAND Journal of Economics, (1998/9 forthcoming) (DAE Working Paper 9707) |
Newbery, D.M. (1998) | "Comments on Review of Electricity Trading Arrangements: Interim Conclusions" | mimeo, Cambridge |
Newbery, D.M. and M.G. Pollitt (1997) | "The Restructuring and Privatisation of the CEGB- Was it worth it" | Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. XLV no. 3, pp. 269-303. abridged version |
Newman, Yigal and Michael Rierson (2004) | "Illiquidity Spillovers: Theory and Evidence from European Telecom Bond Issuance" | Working Paper |
Nierop, Erjen van (2003) | "Modeling Consideration Sets and Brand Choice Using Artificial Neural Networks" | Working Paper |
Noam, Eli, (1989) | "Network Pluralism and Regulatory Pluralism" | in Paula Newberg (ed.), New Directions in Telecommunications Policy, (Durham NC: Duke University Press) |
Noam, Eli, (1992) | "A Theory for the Instability of Public Telecommunications Systems" | in The Economics of Information Networks, Cristiano Antonelli (ed.), north Holland: Amsterdam |
Noam, Eli, (1992) | Telecommunications in Europe | Oxford University Press |
Noam, Eli, (1994) | Interconnecting the Network of Networks | AEI Studies in Telecommunications Deregulation |
Noam, Eli | "Beyond Liberalization: From the Network of Networks to the System of Systems" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Beyond Liberalization II: Reforming Universal Service" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Electronics and the Dim Future of Banks" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Electronics and the Dim Future of the University" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Going Beyond Spectrum Auctions" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "The Impending Doom of Common Carriage" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Kobe's Lesson: Dial 711 for "Open" Emergency Communications" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Liberalization is Just the Beginning: From Competition to Self-Divestiture" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli M. | "Media Concentration in the United States" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "NetTrans Accounts: Reforming the Financial Support System for Universal Service in Telecommunications" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "The Prerequisites to Competition: Two Proposals to reform Universal Service and Interconnection" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Principles for the Communications Act of 2034: The Superstructure of Infrastructure" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Taking the Next Step Beyond Spectrum Auctions: Open Spectrum Access" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "The Telecom Act: Beyond the Hype" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Toward a Common Law of Telecom" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Noam, Eli | "Toward the Third Revolution of Television" | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business |
Nogueira, Jose Ricardo and Jose Carlos Cavalcanti (1996) | "Pricing Network Services: the Case of the Internet" | First Monday |
Noland, Robert B. and Mohammed A. Quddus (2004) | "Congestion and Safety: A Spatial Analysis of London" | Imperial College London and Imperial College London |
Noll, Juergen (2004) | `"Virtual Enterprise Networks in Europe - Economic Opportunities and Legal Challenges" | Working Paper, University of Vienna - Department for Business Studies |
Noll, A. Michael, (1986) | Introduction to Telephones and Telephone Systems | norwood MA: Artech House |
Noll, A. Michael, (1987) | "Bell System R&D Activities" | Telecommunications Policy, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 161-178 |
Noll, A. Michael | "Bell Labs: a Possible Victim of the New AT&T Breakup" | The Sunday Star-Ledger, April 21, 1996 |
Noll, A. Michael | "Cyberdelivery" | The Sunday Star-Ledger, June 2, 1996 |
Noll, A. Michael | "Cybered" | The Sunday Star-Ledger, March 10, 1996 |
Noll, A. Michael | "Cyberservice" | The Sunday Star-Ledger, July 7,1996 |
Noll, A. Michael | "The Elusive Search for the Electronic Newspaper" | The Sunday Star-Ledger, June 23,1996 |
Noll, A. Michael | "Interconnection Remarks - New York Law School" | Remarks |
Noll, A. Michael | "Internetomania" | The Sunday Star-Ledger |
Noll, A. Michael | "Network Security and Reliability (Emergencies in Decentralized Networks)" | |
Noll, A. Michael | "Still Much Alive, Even after E-mail: the Handwritten Letter" | The Sunday Star-Ledger, July 21,1996 |
Noll, Roger G., (1971) | "The Behavior of Regulatory Agencies" | The Review of Social Economy, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 15-19 |
Noll, Roger G., (1983) | "The Future of Telecommunications Regulation" | in Eli M. Noam ed., Telecommunications Regulation Today and Tomorrow, (New York: Harcourt Brace and JovaNovich) |
Noll, Roger G. (1999) | "Telecommunications Reform in Developing Countries" | Economic Policy Reform: The Second Wave, July 1999, Anne O. Krueger, ed., University of Chicago Press, Spring, 2000, Stanford University - Department of Economics |
Noll, Roger G. et al., (1973) | Economic Aspects of TV Regulation | Brookings |
Noll, Roger G., (1986) | "Managing the Transition to Competition in Telecommunications" | mimeo. |
Noll, Roger G., (1989) | "Telecommunications Regulation in the 1990s" | in P. Newberg ed., New Directions in telecommunications Regulation Policy, vol. 1, Duke University Press, Durham NC |
Noll, Roger G., (1995) | "The Role of Antitrust in Telecommunications" | The Antitrust Bulletin, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 501-528 |
Noll, Roger G. and Bruce Owen, (1987) | "United States V. AT&T: The Economic Issues" | mimeo. |
Noll, Roger G. and Bruce Owen, (1987) | "United States V. AT&T an Interim Assessment" | mimeo. |
Noll, Roger G., and Bruce Owen, (1989) | "The Anti-competitive Uses of Regulation: United States v. AT&T" | in John E. Kwoka and Lawrence J. White, eds., The Antitrust Revolution . New York: Harper Collins, 1989, pp. 290-337 |
Nooteboom, Bart and Victor A. Gilsing (2004) | "Density and Strength of Ties in Innovation Networks: A Competence and Governance View" | ERIM Report Series Reference No. ERS-2004-005-ORG |
Nooteboom, Bart(2003) | "A Balanced Theory of Sourcing, Collaboration and Networks" | Working Paper, Tilburg University - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration |
North American Telecommunication Association, (1985) | 1985 Statistical Review, Annual Market Study of the Telecommunications Equipment Industry | Washington: north American Telecommunications Association |
North American Telecommunication Association, (1990) | 1990 Telecommunications Market Review and Forecast | Washington: north American Telecommunications Association |
Noumba, Paul (2004) | "A Policy Note on Telecommunications Reform in Algeria" | World Bank |
Author(s) |
Title |
Publication |
Odlyzko, A. M., (1996) | "The bumpy road of electronic commerce" | in WebNet 96 - World Conf. Web Soc. Proc.," H. Maurer, ed., AACE, pp. 378-389 |
Odlyzko, A. M., (1998) | "The economics of the Internet: Utility, utilization, pricing, and Quality of Service" | ATT Labs |
Odlyzko, A. M. , (1998) | "Smart and stupid networks: Why the Internet is like Microsoft" | ACM netWorker, vol. 2, no. 5, (Dec. 1998), pp. 38-46 |
Odlyzko, A. M.,(1998) | "Data networks are lightly utilized, and will stay that way" | ATT Labs |
Odlyzko, A. M.(1998) | "The Internet and other Networks: Utilization Rates and their Implications" | Working Paper, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities - Digital Technology Center |
Odlyzko, A. M., (1999) | "Paris Metro Pricing for the Internet" | in Proc. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC'99), ACM, 1999, pp. 140-147 |
Odlyzko, A. M., (1999) | "The visible problems of the invisible computer: A skeptical look at information appliances" | First Monday 4(9) (September 1999) |
Odlyzko, A. M., (1999) | "The current state and likely evolution of the Internet" | in Proc. Globecom'99, IEEE, 1999, pp. 1869-1875 |
Odlyzko, A. M. (2003a) | "Networks are Lightly Utilized, and Will Stay That Way" | Review of Network Economics, Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2003, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities - Digital Technology Center |
Odlyzko, A. M., (2003b) | "Privacy, Economics, and Price Discrimination on the Internet" | mimeo |
Odlyzko, A. M., (2003c) | "The many paradoxes of broadband" | mimeo |
Odlyzko, A. M., (2003d) | "Internet traffic growth: Sources and implications" | ATT Labs |
Odlyzko, A. M., (2004) | "The Evolution of Price Discrimination in Transportation and its Implications for the Internet" | Review of Network Economics, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 323-346, September 2004, The Evolution of Price Discrimination in Transportation and its Implications for the Internet, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities - Digital Technology Center |
OECD | Information infrastructure convergence and pricing: The Internet | |
Ohashi, Hiroshi (2001) | "The Role of Network Externalities in the U.S. VCR Market in 1978-86" | Working Paper |
Oliva, Maria-Angels and Luis A. Rivera-Batiz (1997) | "Multinationals, Spillover Networks and International Takeovers" | Working Paper, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) |
Olley, Steve and Ariel Pakes | "The Dynamics of Productivity in the Telecommunications Industry" | mimeo Yale University, 1992 |
Ollner, J., (1988) | "The Company and Standardization" | SIS Handbook, Swedish Standards Institution, Stockholm |
O'Kelly, Morton E. and Deborah Bryan (2002) | "Interfacility Interaction in Models of Hub and Spoke Networks" | Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 42, pp. 145-164, 2002, Ohio State University and Texas State University-San Marcos - Department of Geography |
Oniki, Hajime, (1994) | "Japanese Telecommunications as Network Industry: Industrial Organization for the BISDN Generation Technology" | mimeo |
Oniki, Hajime, (1994) | "Economics Broadband Networks in Japan" | mimeo |
Orda, A., R. Rom and N. Shimkin | "Competitive Routing in Multi-User Environments" | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 161-173, February 1997 |
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