December 23, 2004
More on EU decision
Excerpts from some of the coverage and commentary following Wednesday's
European court decision requiring Microsoft to, among other things,
offer a version of Windows in Europe without Windows Media Player
- Bloomberg
News: "This is a very serious setback for Microsoft,'' Nicholas
Economides, an economics professor at New York University, said in an
interview. "It's the first time that a court has told them what they can
and can't include in Windows. It's like telling General Motors what
features it should have in their cars.''
- BusinessWeek
Online, Jay Greene: "[T]he ruling's real damage is far more subtle.
Microsoft had hoped that it would win a modest point, a setback for the
European Commission that would bring it back to the negotiating table.
But its victory was so sweeping that the EC has little impetus to resume
talks. And that means Microsoft will continue to slog this case out in
court." (Link via Watching Microsoft
Like a Hawk)
- The
Times (U.K.): Industry observers said the likelihood of talks with
European regulators was questionable. Philip Carnelley, a director of
Ovum EuroView, the technology research group, said: "Microsoft’s hope
that it could negotiate a settlement with the EU is clearly now
- Boston
Globe: "Right decision, wrong continent," said [Massachusetts
Attorney General Thomas] Reilly. "But with the markets as fluid as they
are, it might work out anyway. It's going to be very difficult for them
to keep these unbundled versions off the American shelves in the long
term. Somehow, some way, they will get here."
- Financial
Times: [Judge Bo] Vesterdorf's decision is likely to boost the
European Union's top antitrust office, which had staked much of its
reputation on the fierce six-year battle with Microsoft.
- CNet
News.com: The European Union ruled on Wednesday that Microsoft must
make Windows Server protocols available for license, but competitors
showed little initial interest in the program. ... [Linux vendor]
Mandrakesoft CEO Francois Bancilhon said he would rather "die than
purchase a Microsoft license." Instead, the company will work on
interoperability with Microsoft software through existing standards
- eWeek,
David Coursey: "It would be interesting to see an analysis of how the
outcome would have been different if the Department of Justice's case
against Microsoft could have been tried in the EU courts. Or merely if
Microsoft had done business while taking such a prospect into account.
The kinder-and-gentler Microsoft we're seeing as of late may be a
reflection of this and of the increased importance of non-American legal
- Michael
Gartenberg, Jupiter Research research director, explains "why
product integration is so important to Microsoft." On the Microsoft
Monitor weblog, Jupiter Research analyst Joe Wilcox
adds, "Microsoft appears to be accelerating the amount of
integration at just about every technology and product level."
- Technology
Pundits, Rob Enderle: "The long term problem for Microsoft is the
increased introduction of government oversight and direction into their
development process. This could block them from adding additional
features to the product in the future and some of these, like virus
checking and anti-spyware, could be critical to the continued
reliability and security of the product."
- NPR,
Chris Arnold: "The case is a reminder of the growing power of the EU,
which most Americans probably think of as little more than a curiosity
involving a new currency. In fact, with 25 member countries and 450
million people, the EU courts now can make trade rulings affecting a
huge area."
Posted by Todd Bishop at December 23,
2004 11:18 AM
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